i've been up since 5.45 this morning! so shag, damn cui. hahaha! really want to thank God, cause i reached tampines only at 11.40pm and i haven't even do RJ and quiz which needs to be submitted by 11.59pm. :/ rushedddddddddddd all the way home and i did all just in time! 11.59 on the dot!!! wow!!!! YAY!!! thank God! :)
disappointed in my performance this week :( and people are getting stress for the coming UT. help! :( hehehe. i'm getting more and more tired each day in school. but i'm looking forward to tomorrow and sunday! woohoo! ^^

i look so cui in class nowadays, put a smile on muahhhh face!
i love my classmates! they rock! :) :) :)
need to wake up 9plus tomorrow and be in town area at 11. oh walking zombieee..