Tuesday, April 28, 2009
i'm beginning to love school *inserts many many many smiles!
had lunch together with around half the class yesterday and today. (love)

had lunch together with around half the class yesterday and today. (love)

this is what bunny wyy sent to me through mms one hour before lesson ended yday. so sweet right! hehe. actually, i took a picture similiar to this with my phone as well. but thanks ('.') ! haha. xoxoxoxo.
just decided to type random facts about hsbc!
1. i like the colour yellow because i love spongebob!
2. i don't like the fact some many people like spongebob, that's why i don't tell people that i like spongebob anymore, but i do love spongebob all the same! (:
3. i always take yellow straw whenever i buy bubbletea!
4. i like my school food!
5. i get headaches easily!
6. i tend to feel insecure, so i need people to tell me or rather assure that they love me! haha!
7. i like to look at pretty girls! in this case, i mean tan-skin, netballers! girls who canoe! hahaha! their hair! chio! <3
8. i like appearing offline, idk why! don't ask me (:
9. nowadays, i can sleep in the bus as in, like my soul left the entire world for the entire period i was sleeping, and it's so scary cause i don't know what happened during that time.
10. i enjoy a one-to-one company rather than a big group!
11. i hate myself a lot sometimes.
12. i think school's getting better day by day!
13. i am still a quality time person!
14. i love chuuuuuu!
now, time to sleep! (:
schooolllll, shalalala.
yay! so glad louisa's beginning to like school, or rather her classmates! haha. horrrrr babe? (:
Monday, April 27, 2009

it's so true yes?!
sometimes, you got to fake it till you make it. example: times you don't feel like worshipping God, the more you should worship. cuz satan condemns but God convicts!
"fake it till you make it", i believe there's times in life where you feel like leaving church, leaving God, but well, fake it till you make it! im not exactly asking you to fake it all the way, but you get what i mean? pray, seek God, your father won't possibly leave you like that (:
i do admit there's times in my life i am not doing spiritually well. but fake it till you make it! aha, i seem to be like repeating myself! but hope ya all get what i mean! :D hehe.
it's monday! i'm looking forward to school. hehe. i think. (:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
im back! (: i predict, rather i know my schedule is gonna be more and more packed. anyway, before i post anything. thank God for sam whang! (: well,
SAMANTHAAA! So Near Yet So Far... John 3SixTeen:60 says:
i still love you!
HEHEHE ^^ comforting words. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahaha.
isiah 40:30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
this was the verse God dropped during worship, then a lady shared it during worship soon after. amazing isn't it? (: and it so happens that yesterday's sermon was last week's sermon in youth and i was there. yay!!!!!!
nothing happened so far. don't tell me something bad's gonna happen tomorrow. should i die tomorrow (LOL) my last words.. HAHA I LOVE GOD! LOL. (((:
last but not the least!!!!
SAMANTHAAA! So Near Yet So Far... John 3SixTeen:60 says:
i still love you!
HEHEHE ^^ comforting words. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahaha.
isiah 40:30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
this was the verse God dropped during worship, then a lady shared it during worship soon after. amazing isn't it? (: and it so happens that yesterday's sermon was last week's sermon in youth and i was there. yay!!!!!!
nothing happened so far. don't tell me something bad's gonna happen tomorrow. should i die tomorrow (LOL) my last words.. HAHA I LOVE GOD! LOL. (((:
last but not the least!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
shepherding with may last night @ ikea! woot woot! (:
she can just keep laughing and laughing until you go crazy with her. well, see the pictures!
i took this video while eating a chicken! LOL. so enjoy! click click click! :D
shepherding with may is like wow (: cause well, she grown so much! and i super duper proud of her! yay! honestly, i was so happy lah! HEHEHE go may! whatever you do, know that im right behind you! :) really wanna thank God for answering my prayers, or i would really hate myself. heh. tts it! i (L) may! :)
my eyes are twitching again. oh my mama. haha. it's not that i'm being superstitious or whatsoever, but every time my eyes twitch, 2 days later, something bad will happen to me. oh~ haha. and my eyes twitched three times already. so uh well we'll see.
.. and today didn't end that well either. heh. :(
.. and today didn't end that well either. heh. :(
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
muahhhhh survived camp till today!! yay!! but tmrw's gonna be more fun! i'm actually anticipating tmrw even though it's like a whole day thingy! but, then again, it will mean that i survived a 4 days camp! -kinda. haha, 4 days of orientation in the week. wow! haha.
and in around 10 hours time.. i'll know my classmates in semester 1! so.. who's the lucky peepz? aha! :D
oh no... my memory card can't upload some pizzzz :( nvrmind, not important! still have tmrw. aha, now... my boyfriend's calling me in dreamland! LOL. goodnight! long day tmrw!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i remember when the high-schoolers are starting school, i used to make fun of them saying "what's school huhhhhhh" aha! culpit esther leow and i. lol :) now, it's like.. 6 more dayz to school?! LOL. whatever it is i'll go school with a different heart attittude! :)
so this evening, i went to meet yijie and vivian for dinner! :) nothing much to update so picturesssssss. :D
so this evening, i went to meet yijie and vivian for dinner! :) nothing much to update so picturesssssss. :D
the not-so-nice ice kachang, and not-so-nice lady. haha! :D
haha idiot, i look so extra with the two jc peepz. -.- orientation tomorrow! i want have a good rest, ample sleep and energise for school tomorrow! :)
woke up with not exactly the best of mood. opposite my place, people are playing very loud music for the funeral, to end the funeral in a high note? but.. aha. then after receiving some smses, i was.. :(
but an angel blessed me, thank you girl! :D you know who you are. heeheehee. so yesterday was the school of hospitality orientation. aha. nothing much to say about it :) but i'm glad i made friends. yay! pizzzzzzzzzzzz:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
dear God,
just before i go off to sleep and prepare for my orientation tomorrow. i've a message for you today :) today's Easter service for so goooood! thank you for bringing siaohuan (heehee) and bringing ida back to You again. feels really great to be in the house of God. thank You for dying on the cross and because of Your act of obedience and love for all of us, i'm able to live a life to the fullest and i'm worshipping a living God! :) i'm reminded of Your love all over again and i'm really glad to be a child of Yours! :)) i remembered that so many times, You always remind me and assure me that You love me dearly. example during the times where dennis and (i forgot who. -.-) prohessied for the CLs, and i myself was there. because at that time, i was having hidden sins and i was reallllly scared it'll be prohessied that i need to repent this kind of thing. but no.. the word was "God loves you, He loves you a lot" this kind of thing. wow God, You never fail to give me a second chance and love me despite me being so imperfect, so unworthy, so.. yknow, disgusting when at times i don't even know how to love myself. thank You for Your unconditional love. to love me so so so much. i don't know what else i can do but.. to love You back. really. thank You for today, thank You for yesterday, thank You for tomorrow! cause i know, You're my Abba Father, You're with me, You were with me, You'll be with me. heehee. no one else can replace You in my life. when i sing "I'll love You forever" God, i mean it. never to leave You. but to love You, serve You with all my heart. :))
your child, candace.
just wanna share what God spoke to me around two weeks ago? it's so.. amazing :)
if you guys don't know.. my mom loves me a lot, a lot, a lot. i don't know how to say exactly how much she loves me. but okay, some examples, she'll always tell me i love you face to face. and she calls me (shy) baby? babe? and when she text me, she'll put the kissy face. haha, cute right? :) hugs me occassionally, and yeah, i'll not go in details. aha. so paiseh. xD
the best thing i can ever do to my mom is not to buy her stuffs.. give her lots of money or do stuffs for her. but the best thing i can do for her, is actually to tell her "i love you". cause she would ask me "do you love me not" at times.. haha. and when (ahem) i say yes. she gets all happy and stuffs. i don't know exactly how to bring the message across or what, but the best thing i can do to my mom, is to tell her i love her, more than getting her stuffs, $$, and all.
and this, i wanna say i love you mom, and i love You God. :)
anyway, i also want to thank God for ang penglin? haha, for styling my hair. aha, you rock! :)
some pictures for today :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
wild day with samlee. she waited for me downstairs my place! haha, and she's such a killer, blinded me still love her lots. haha. direction idiot us got lost finding the 7 mount sophia. walked lots of rounds, and a freight of stairs i dare to say it's about more than a 100 steps up. tiringzzz. aha. so it's was pretty much my first time going to a flea market!
loving it. -wore like crap compared to the rest. tsktsktsk. haha. "wahhh so hot!!!!" "buy lah buy lah" "wait, i want see this" "ohh.. look at this" haha. :) in the end.. candace got herself six tops! haha, kill her please. but it's okay! i'm happy. :) walked up, walked down, squeezed with the crowd. aha.
happy us! (:
fooooooooooood, drives her crazy! and happy. hehe. (:
aha, sam looks dumb! *neh neh to her! HAHA. :)
jiayouzzzz for your wushu on wednesday and see you tomorrow! hahaha. yay! ending off with lots and lots of love <3
my beloved miss lilian:
Picture everything says:
u know u are stuck in my life forever
whenever i see hsbc
will remind me of u
haha, awesome! :) i like the word forever. i really hope she means it. hehe. i'm actually thinking whether i should webcam with this woman because she asked me to. but i'm so shy! HAHAHA. nonsense. lilian, here i come~ haha.
i just can't stop smiling after i webcam-ed with lilian and i don't know why! hahaha.
i'm feeling so happy now! lilian rocks! lol. we were like showing picz of us together in the past. awww. and i feel like posting a few that i got from my phone.
miss sitting with tan lilian in classsssssssssssssssssss! haha, i don't know why i'm blogging like that. lol. i love reading her old blog! so funny! aha. lilian loser :) reading that blog of hers makes me so happy. cause it brings back so many memories! haha -.-

i'm not exactly in the right state of mind now? i'm too happy to sleep! hahaha.
(siao) haha.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
really refreshed after today's cg at jacob's place (:
i was actually meditating on the lyrics of the song power of your name, and it so happens that we sang that song during cg's worship today! wow wow. more convicted to give with the life i've been given and go beyond religion! :D
anyway, i seldom blog about myself. haha. more of like my friends, and all. but i think i got to blog it out. :)
because of what my mom said to me today, though it hurts a lot, but it's really true. i don't know how to blog it out, what words to say. but are we really... really... really being a testimony to people around us? especially at home, when no church people are around to see us. or people to see our 'darker side'. well, i remember peiqing was sharing during a night in camp with the cg members, that we shouldn't blog, say or act in a way that will stumble others for.. (i forgot what verse in the bible said so)- so i'm actually thinking if i should blog about this. i think it's really important that we live our lives right before the eyes of GOD, all the time? i know i myself, am not really proud of some areas of my life and i myself am imperfect, i've my flaws, things that i'm changing and all. but well, i think sometimes, christians can be hypocrites, we raise our hands high in church and worship GOD, we sing songs to GOD in church, the very mouth we use to say I love You Lord, the very mouth we use it to speak ill of others, to say vulguar language. ewww, so disgusted by this fact. and the moment we leave the church, or at home, we don't actually live our lives in a way, we should be living. hahaha. hypocites i call these people. you don't know how many people are actually looking at your life. "is that how a christian should behave?" because of us, it draws them away from wanting this r/s with GOD. what makes us different from the world? christians can still say the vulguar languages, sabo people, backstab, gossip.. what's this?? :( can someone tell me or tell them to stop.. haha.
my mom said: i hate hypocrites.
i myself, hate hypocrites too!
i was actually meditating on the lyrics of the song power of your name, and it so happens that we sang that song during cg's worship today! wow wow. more convicted to give with the life i've been given and go beyond religion! :D
anyway, i seldom blog about myself. haha. more of like my friends, and all. but i think i got to blog it out. :)
because of what my mom said to me today, though it hurts a lot, but it's really true. i don't know how to blog it out, what words to say. but are we really... really... really being a testimony to people around us? especially at home, when no church people are around to see us. or people to see our 'darker side'. well, i remember peiqing was sharing during a night in camp with the cg members, that we shouldn't blog, say or act in a way that will stumble others for.. (i forgot what verse in the bible said so)- so i'm actually thinking if i should blog about this. i think it's really important that we live our lives right before the eyes of GOD, all the time? i know i myself, am not really proud of some areas of my life and i myself am imperfect, i've my flaws, things that i'm changing and all. but well, i think sometimes, christians can be hypocrites, we raise our hands high in church and worship GOD, we sing songs to GOD in church, the very mouth we use to say I love You Lord, the very mouth we use it to speak ill of others, to say vulguar language. ewww, so disgusted by this fact. and the moment we leave the church, or at home, we don't actually live our lives in a way, we should be living. hahaha. hypocites i call these people. you don't know how many people are actually looking at your life. "is that how a christian should behave?" because of us, it draws them away from wanting this r/s with GOD. what makes us different from the world? christians can still say the vulguar languages, sabo people, backstab, gossip.. what's this?? :( can someone tell me or tell them to stop.. haha.
my mom said: i hate hypocrites.
i myself, hate hypocrites too!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
am really going to knock out after this.. am so dead tired. don't know why. anyway! today's my last day of work!! worked today (well, most of the time, i wasn't even doing my job.) hahaha and i got my pay!!! but eeww, so pathetic :( not going to be a telemarketer for a long time~ heehee.
went to catch confession of a shopaholic. was awfully late for the movie, sorry may! had my first shepherding with emily at bugis! yay!
quest to find pang pang and _ (i'll not reveal the other name yet!) haha. may and i went to cold storage~
something to look forward after work tomorrow: movie with may! (:
peng peng is going to meet pong pong tomorrow.
peng peng said "geee, i so shy, but i excited lah"
HAHAHA, this is so freaking funny.
*high five to my sheep may!*
나의양 samantha, 또한곧위에그녀의길으로korea!
(it means my sheep samantha, is now on her korea!)
hahaha, i anyhow put some korea words i translated from dictionary.com. heeheehe. hunts for pang pang tomorrow. shalalala~ (:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
hello all. this is peng peng. :) no... it has nothing to do with you-know-who. haha. peng peng has a really grumpy face, yet, all smiley in the inside. hehe, she keeps really good secrets when you-know-who gets really mean with me. peng peng had a really great lunch date with me just now. hehehe. i heartz peng peng most! this is peng peng, not.. you-know-who. *cross my heart. haha.
this.. my first kinder joy toy! ^^
ps: it's not disgusting. it's just cute.
cute= adorable but ugly.
get what i mean?
three cheerz to peng peng!
she's shy. hahahaha!
ps: check this out: http://tampines1.wordpress.com/
*jaws drop. whee! :D
this.. my first kinder joy toy! ^^
ps: it's not disgusting. it's just cute.
cute= adorable but ugly.
get what i mean?
three cheerz to peng peng!
she's shy. hahahaha!
ps: check this out: http://tampines1.wordpress.com/
*jaws drop. whee! :D
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